Политика конфиденциальности


Privacy Statement


§ 1 Information about the collection of personal data


(1) In the following we provide information about how we collect personal data when our website is used. Personal data is any information relating to you personally as e.g. name, address, email addresses, user behaviour.


(2) The person responsible in accordance with Article 4 Section 7 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are Axel Fuisting and Christian Möcklinghoff(Rombacher Hütte 18a, 44795 Bochum; info(at)tibacon.com) (see our Imprint). You can reach our Data Protection Officer under SeppiA(at)tibacon.com or our postal address using the addition „the Data Protection Officer“.


(3) When you contact us by email or via a contact form we will store the data provided by you (your email address, your name and your phone number, where appropriate) in order to answer your questions.


Thus, the data received as per your email will exclusively be processed on the basis of your consent (Art. 6 Section 1 lit. a DGPR). You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. An informal email message to us will suffice. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of the processing operations based on consent before its withdrawal. We will delete the data collected in this connection once their storage is no longer required or restrict processing if legal retention obligations exist.


(4) If you wish to apply for a post in our company we will offer you the possibility of using a form provided by us for that purpose. The information asked for in the mandatory fields must be given completely as otherwise the application procedure cannot be conducted properly.


The legal basis for the processing of your personal data in this application procedure primarily is § 26 BDSG (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz – German Federal Data Protection Act). According to this Act, the processing of data required in connection with employment-related purposes for hiring decisions is permissible. Should the data be necessary after termination of the application procedure for any legal action a processing of the data may be effected on the basis of the requirements laid down in Article 6 DGPR, particularly for the purposes of legitimate interests pursuant to Art. 6 Section 1 lit. f) DGPR. Our interest then lies in the establishment or defence of claims.


Data of job applicants will be deleted after 6 months in the event of a rejection. Should you have been successful with your application in the application procedure the data will be transferred from the application data system to our human resources data system.


(5) If we assign individual functions of our offering to service providers or wish to use your data for promotional purposes we will inform you in detail about the respective proceedings below. In doing this we will also state the criteria determined for the retention period.


§ 2 Collection of personal data during visits to our website


(1) If you use our website for purely informational purposes, i.e. without registering or submitting to us information in any other way, we will only collect those personal data transmitted to our server by your browser. If you wish to view our website we will only collect the following data required by us for technical reasons in order to let you have access to our website and to ensure stability and security (legal basis is Art. 6 Section. 1 S. 1 lit. f DGPR):


            -           IP-address

            -           Date and time of access

            -           Time zone difference to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

            -           Contents of the request (specific site)

            -           Status of access/HTTP status code

            -           Respective volume of data transferred

            -           Website from which the request originated

            -           Browser

            -           Operating system and its user interface

            -           Language and version of the browser software.


(2) In addition to the data mentioned before cookies will be placed on your computer when you use our website. Cookies are small text files which are stored on your hard disk and allocated to the browser you use and which provide certain information to the unit placing the cookie (in this case to us). Cookies cannot execute any programs or transfer virusses to your computer. They only serve for making the internet offering as a whole more user friendly and effective.


(3)       Use of cookies:


a)          This website uses the following types of cookies the scope and mode  of

              functioning of which are explained in the following:

                        -           Transient cookies (see b)

                        -           Persistent cookies (see c).


b)           Transient cookies will be automatically erased when you close your browser. Session cookies count among this type of cookies. They store a socalled session ID by which different queries of your browser can be allocated to the joint session. This permits your computer to be recognised when you return to our website. The session cookies will be erased when you log out or close the browser.

c)           Persistent cookies will be erased automatically after a specified period of time which may vary depending on the cookie. You can erase the cookies in the security settings of your browser at any time.

d)           You can configure your browser setting to suit your preferences and e.g. refuse to accept third-party cookies or all cookies. Please note that when doing so you may possibly not be able to use all functions of this website.

e)           The Flash Cookies used will not be registered by your browser but by you Flash-Plug-in. We furthermore use HTML5 storage objects which will be stored on your terminal device. These objects store the required data independently of the browser you use and have no automatic expiry date. If you do not wish for flash cookies processing you will have to install the respective Add-On, e.g. „Better Privacy“ for Mozilla Firefox (https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/betterprivacy/) or the Adobe-Flash-Killer-Cookie for Google Chrome. You can prevent the use of HTML5 storage objects by setting the private mode in your browser. We also recommend that you delete your cookies and the browser history manually at regular intervals.


§ 3 Use of vimeo


(1) Our website uses plugins of the video portal Vimeo. Vimeo is a service provided by Vimeo Inc., 555 West 18th Street, New York, New York 10011, USA.


(2) Whenever you visit any of our pages equipped with a Vimeo Plugin a connection will be made to the Vimeo servers. The Vimeo Server will be informed of which of our pages you have visited. Vimeo will also obtain your IP address. This also applies when you are not logged into Vimeo or don’t have a Vimeo account. The information collected by Vimeo will be transmitted to the Vimeo server in the USA.


If you are logged into your Vimeo account you will make it possible for Vimeo to attribute your surfing behaviour direct to your personal profile. You can prevent this by logging out of your Vimeo account.


(3) The use of Vimeo is made in the interest of presenting our online offerings in an appealing manner. This constitutes a legitimate interest within the meaning of Art. 6 Section. 1 lit. f) DGPR.


(4) Any further information as to how user data are handled is given in the Vimeo Data Privacy Notice under: https://vimeo.com/privacy.


§ 4 Use of google webfonts


(1) We use socalled Google Webfonts on our internet pages. Fonts are loaded from Google servers which are intended to improve the design of the internet page. Data are processed on the basis of a weighing up of interests with our interest being an appealing design of the internet page.


(2) The respective fonts are loaded from Google servers which are generally located in the USA. Google warrants that an adequate data protection level is maintained (Privacy Shield listing).


§ 5 Your rights


(1) You have the following rights towards us with respect to your personal data:


-    Within the context of the current legal regulations you have the right to be informed free of charge of your personal data stored, the origin and the recipient of the data and the purpose of processing of such data and possibly a right to rectification, blocking and erasure of these data. In this respect and with respect to any further questions you may have on the subject of personal data you may contact us at any time under the address given in the imprint.

-    You have the right to request that processing of your personal data is restricted. In this respect you may contact us at any time under the address given in the imprint. The right to restriction of processing exists in the following cases:

  • If you contest the accuracy of your personal data stored by us we will generally need time to verify this. For the duration of the verification you have the right to request that processing of your personal data is restricted.
  • If the processing of your personal data has been / is unlawful you may request restriction of data processing instead of erasure.
  • If we no longer need your personal data but they are required by you for the establishment, defence or exercise of legal claims, you have the right to request restriction of your personal data’s processing instead of erasure.
  • If you have objected to processing pursuant to Art. 21 Section. 1 DGPR your interests need to be weighed up against our interests. As long as it is still undecided whose interests prevail you have the right to request that the processing of your personal data is restricted.
  • If you restricted the processing of your personal data these data may – with the exception of storage – only be processed with your consent or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims or for the protection of the rights of another natural or legal person or for reasons of important public interest of the European Union or of a member state.
  • You have the right to receive or make available to a third party data  processed by us by automated means on the basis of your consent or in fulfilment of a contract in a commonly used, machine-readable format (data portability). Whenever you request the direct transmission of the data to another controller this will only be done where technically feasible.


(2) You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority about the processing of your personal data by us.


§ 6 Right to object


(1) When the processing of the data is based on Art. 6 Section 1 lit. e) or f) DGPR you shall have the right to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, at any time to the processing of your personal data; this includes profiling based on these provisions. For the respective legal basis on which a processing rests please refer to this privacy statement. If you raise an objection we will no longer process your respective personal data unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms or the processing serves for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims (Right to object pursuant to Art. 21 Sect. 1 DGPR).

(2) Where personal data are processed for direct marketing purposes you have the right to object at any time to the processing of personal data concerning you for such promotion which includes profiling to the extent that it is related to such direct marketing. If you raise an objection we will stop using your personal data for direct marketing purposes (Right to object pursuant to  Art. 21 Sect. 2 DGPR).


§ 7 Data security


(1) We use the commonly used SSL procedure (Secure Socket Layer) in connection with the respective highest encryption stage supported by your browser during the visit to our website. Usually this is a 256 Bit encryption. If your browser does not support 256-Bit encryption we will revert to 128-Bit v3 technology instead. An individual page of our internet presentation being transmitted in encrypted form will be indicated by the closed position of the key or padlock icon in the lower status line of your browser.

(2) In all other respects we apply suitable technical and organizational security measures to protect your data against any accidental or intentional manipulations, partial or full loss, destruction or the unauthorized access of third parties. Our security measures are subject to continual improvement in accordance with the technological development.


§ 8 Up-to-dateness and amendment of this privacy statement


(1) This privacy statement is currently valid and was last updated in July 2019.

(2) Due to the development of our website and the respective offerings or due to changed legal and/or official regulations it may become necessary to amend this privacy statement.